What Are My Email Account Connection Details?

When setting up your email accounts in your email client (Outlook,Thunderbird,Mac Mail etc...) for use with our services this will use the standard set of details which can be used for all email account.

When setting up your email account in your mail client you will need to use the below details for each email account.

  • Incoming mail server:
    Server Name: mail4.host-it.co.uk
    POP3 Ports: 110 / 110 STARTTLS
    IMAP Ports: 143 / 143 STARTTLS
  • Outgoing mail server:
    Server Name: smtp4.host-it.co.uk
    SMTP Port: 25 / 587 STARTTLS
  • Username: Your username is your email address e.g. stuart@host-it.co.uk
  • Password: This is the password that was set when you created your email account in your hosting panel

When configuring your mail client with the incoming and outgoing server details the username and password will be the same for both.
If you have lost or don't know the password for your email account you will need reset the password from your hosting panel.

  • email, account settings, pop3, imap, mail, settings
  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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